The unique concept of designing machine with vibro + hydro technologyThe unique concept of designing machine with vibro + hydro vibro + hydro technology has a big reason to get the best quality of compaction in concrete products, however on the basis of our past practical experience we have developed the oil bath Vibration which makes the way for concrete to get settled properly & eliminate the air gaps as well as porosity from the cavity by dual Vibration and accurate pressure to hold the punch with limited access.
Vibro technology not only get’s the concrete settled properly in the cavity but also assures us that the density of every aggregate remains same which plays an important role in the strength part of each block manufactured from the machine. VFD (Variable frequency drive) is the major factor to perform Significantly in its zone, as per our R&D on vibration part we able to give you the authentication that we are capable enough with our machine to achieve any strength committed.
The finite element methods is used to
analyze structural strength
analyze structural strength
of machine parts & entire product. Revomac Industries using three dimensional CAE tools to develop new mechanism, analyze multiple load cases, vibration analysis, stress analysis, thermal analysis, joints & geometry analysis.
We have designed new
oil bath vibration
oil bath vibration
system though CAD tools which gives maximum strength and compactness in concrete product with using
minimum percentage of cement.
minimum percentage of cement.